New Blog Post

Oct 12, 2023 by Tamara Cianfini


Ever had that subtle hunch you might be pregnant?

I vividly remember my first clue: a conspicuously absent period, paired with an unusual, hunger-like rumbling in my stomach, nudging me toward taking a test. 

Recognising early signs of pregnancy can be slightly different for everyone, but here are some common indications:

  1. Missed Period: Often the first sign, although some women might experience spotting.

  2. Morning Sickness: Nausea and vomiting, not always confined to the morning.

  3. Breast Changes: Tenderness, darkening of the areolas, and veining can be more visible.

  4. Fatigue: A significant increase in fatigue and feeling of being drained.

  5. Increased Urination: Needing to urinate more frequently.

  6. Mood Swings: Hormonal shifts can cause emotional changes.

  7. Food Aversions or Cravings: Sudden shifts in dietary preferences.

  8. Slight Bleeding or Cramping: Sometimes mistaken for a period.

  9. Constipation: Altered digestive processes due to hormone changes.

  10. Elevated Body Temperature: A sustained increase in basal body temperature.

  11. Positive Pregnancy Test: Over-the-counter pregnancy tests measure the level of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone, which can indicate pregnancy when detected at certain levels.

Remember, the presence of several of these signs might suggest pregnancy, but confirmation typically comes via a positive pregnancy test.

With warmth and wisdom

Tamara x

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