Practicing what I Preach...

Apr 25, 2024 by Tamara Cianfini

me chair cat v2

When was the last time…

…you quietly enjoyed nature?

When was the last time…

…your home was a quiet place where you could think and reflect?

When was the last time…

…you just sat still and let yourself be in the moment?

For many, the answer might be, “It’s been too long.”

Why don’t we take these quiet moments more often?

When we calm down and get quiet, we start to think about big questions:

“Why am I here?”

“What do I want for my family and myself?”

“What’s really important to me?”

We also might face things that bother us that we’ve been ignoring because we’re so busy:

“I wish life was simpler and more joyful.”

“I want things to be different.”

“How did I get to this point?”

In today’s world, finding time to be quiet can be hard. Many people avoid it because it feels uncomfortable. But avoiding it means missing out on being true to yourself.

People get caught up in just doing what everyone else does, or what they think they should do, and lose track of what they really want.

With all the noise from social media and the internet, it’s even harder to just sit and listen to what our hearts want.

But think about how valuable silence can be, especially when you’re making important decisions or even preparing for a baby:

Finding silence helps you be a better guide and support to others...

It connects you deeper with your own intuition and helps you be present.

I encourage you to find quiet time in nature even if that means grabbing a blanket as we wait patiently for the warmer weather.

Turn off the distractions—like your phone and TV—and just listen.

Listen openly and kindly to what comes up in your mind and body.

Accept and understand your feelings.

This isn’t just a practice, but an important skill that makes a big difference in life.

Last week, I popped into Dunelm on a whim and left with a delightful surprise—a garden chair that rocks gently, offering a soothing escape that melts away stress and boosts relaxation. I've absolutely fallen in love with it! Now, every day after work, come rain or shine, you'll find me unwinding in my new favorite spot. I can't recommend it enough!

Find those peaceful moments again, and let them help you live a life that’s clear and meaningful.

With warmth and wisdom,

Tamara x

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