Pregnancy Anxiety? You are not alone!

Jun 9, 2023 by Tamara Cianfini

Iceberg fear image for blog

Welcome to my first blog post on my NEW website!

I am thrilled to begin this journey with you and delve into a subject that is incredibly close to my heart, how to overcome pregnancy anxiety.

Pregnancy is a time of immense joy and anticipation, but it can also bring forth fears and anxieties that may cloud the experience. In this blog, I want to highlight the transformative power of relaxation and how it can help you overcome pregnancy anxiety, allowing you to embrace this precious journey with a sense of calm and confidence.

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative time in your life, but it can also come with it's fair share of anxieties and worries. Sometimes, those fears may remain hidden beneath the surface, masked by a brave face put on for the outside world. 

The powerful analogy of an iceberg can be used to shed light on the unseen depths of pregnancy anxiety and understand the fears that can lie beneath the surface. I am sure you can relate to some of them.

On the surface it may seem like you are coping fine, you may present yourself with a smile and an outward appearance of strength and confidence. You may strive to maintain a positive facade, a false appearance that makes you appear to be ok, not wanting to burden others with your worries. It's what people around you see, but when you are alone with your thoughts, how are you really feeling?

The lower part of the iceberg represents the hidden fears beneath the surface which can be a vast range of emotions that you may be experiencing but keeping hidden.

We are all unique but having supported thousands of parents in my career as a teacher/trainer I know how important it is to uncover what personal fears may be lurking beneath the surface for you, so that you can start to change the way you feel about them and most importantly not have them surface when you are birthing your precious baby.

My pregnancy relaxation sessions will help you cope with: 

Fear of the unknown: Pregnancy is a journey into the unknown, and uncertainty about what lies ahead can be overwhelming. Questions about labour, pain, complications and the health of your baby may be playing on your mind and even keeping you awake at night.

Fear of inadequate parenting: The responsibility of becoming a parent can bring self-doubt and worries about not being able to meet the expectations or provide the best care for your baby. 

Fear of judgment: Pregnancy anxiety may cause you to worry about how others perceive you, fearing criticism or judgment from family, friends, or society. This fear can lead to feelings of isolation and a reluctance to seek support.

Whatever is going on for you, I am here to support you and help you change those unwanted thoughts, feelings and emotions. Freeing yourself from these negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts will help you and your partner have a more enjoyable and stress-free pregnancy and birth.

The iceberg analogy serves as a powerful reminder that what we see on the surface is often just a fraction of the reality. Understanding the hidden depths of pregnancy anxiety can help create a more compassionate and supportive environment for your unique pregnancy journey.

By acknowledging and addressing your fears, you can provide the reassurance and support needed to navigate the challenges of pregnancy with greater resilience and strength. This is exactly what my pregnancy relaxation sessions are designed to do.

Know your worth, Hypnobirth.

Tamara x