When is the best time to start?

Jun 15, 2023 by Tamara Cianfini

20 week scan

Starting to prepare for your amazing hypnobirth is best anytime after your 20-week scan for several reasons:

* Understanding of Pregnancy: By the 20th week, you've had time to understand and adjust to your pregnancy. The 20-week scan, also known as the anatomy scan, provides a detailed look at your baby's development and can assure you about their health. This gives you the reassurance that all is ok and to start focusing on your birth preparation.

* Adequate Time to Practice: Hypnobirthing techniques require practice to be most effective. Starting after your 20-week scan gives you enough time to learn, understand, and consistently practice these techniques so they become second nature to you by the time you go into labour.

* Reduced Anxiety: The 20-week scan can often alleviate many of the early pregnancy anxieties, enabling you to better focus on the positive and empowering messages of hypnobirthing. Learning and practicing relaxation techniques from hypnobirthing can further help manage any lingering worries about childbirth.

* Birth Planning: Starting a course around this time aligns well with when many expectant parents begin considering their birth preferences and plans in more detail. Hypnobirthing can provide valuable information to help inform these decisions.

Remember, while starting after your 20-week scan is often ideal, planning for your hypnobirth can be beneficial at any stage of pregnancy. The most important thing is to choose a timeline that works best for you.

Know your worth, Hypnobirth

Tamara x